Thursday, November 18, 2010

Transition is a Good Thing

Today's blog is on "transition". I have always known in my life that everything changes and nothing stays the same. I have also blogged in the past on "life long learning" and how important it is to focus on learning something new everyday. Please check out the site on 15 steps to cultivate life long learning. Many times it feels safer and more comfortable to stay in your box. The problem with that is we are not pushed to the limit of learning something new. Learning can take on many different shapes and sizes. It can make you nervous, a little stressed, and then it can also build your confidence and most importantly your knowledge. As we get older it is important to continue doing activities that make us think and use different parts of our brain. Many times during our life we experience many forms of transition. Just to name a few, going to college, getting married, children leaving home and losing a loved one.

I am experiencing transition in my work place "Essdack". It has been exciting to learn some new technology and support skills that are different than what I have previously experienced. At Essdack we have educational specialists that support educators in the learning process. These are folks that work diligently to have learning be fun and exciting whether you are a kid or an adult. These are creative folks that put all of themselves in to their trainings. Supporting them is not new for me but my responsibilities have changed and the transition feels good.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hot Chili Peppers!

A couple weeks ago Tim, myself and friends spent a few fun filled days in Toas, New Mexico. We enjoyed beautiful sunsets in several different locations in the area. Sunsets are beautiful no matter where we are, but there is something about the mountains that makes for magnificent "eye candy". We enjoyed the square with so much to see. We all loved the food of the area too!

To that end this blog mainly is about "chili peppers". We enjoyed peppers one night in almost a soup form. It was so delicious! It was so good we all could have taken a spoon and eaten it like soup. We had the opportunity to come home with a sack of of "chili peppers". I decided that I would use both red and green for our brats and kraut lunch. Chopped chili peppers seemed the perfect addition to our meal. I proceeded to my chopping block with a knife and peppers in hand. I was thinking to myself fresh from New Mexico doesn't get much better. I prepared the peppers for the grill and went on about the business at hand. Tim did the grilling and I was attending to last minute details so that we could enjoy our invited guests. As I am chopping away I noticed that I was getting hot! I mean like my skin, finger tips, and eyes. Now please understand I was pretty inexperienced with chili peppers straight from New Mexico. I continued chopping because I was on a mission to have these hot things for lunch.

Lunch was served and so were the peppers. One bite for me was plenty because at that point my fingers felt as though I had burned them on a hot stove. I had barely any feeling on the tips of my fingers. Please read this link on How to Treat a Hot Pepper Burn. This saved me from continuing to burn. I will always love peppers but I will treat those little things with a lot of respect! Beware the next time you are thinking of tackling them bare handed.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Life is a Journey Worth Doing!

This past weekend was spent with my daughter Emily, Sam age 6 and Haley age 10, my grandchildren. Also included in the weekends festivities were 3 other special people, Diane, Cameron 10 and Mackenzie 8. They are very special friends of Emily's family. They came to Hutchinson for the Kansas State Fair and a concert on Sunday afternoon from Lawrence. As I had the opportunity to spend quality time with this gang, I began feeling very blessed! They all were awesome to be with. My heart began feeling full of how blessed I am to have them in my life. For those of you that know me and for those of you that don't, I am a relationship person. If my life begins going in a direction that I am not enriched by relationships I am not a happy person. I feel discontentment that makes me feel unsettled. If my life situations put me in a spot that I don't feel connected with my loved ones or friendships acquired over a lifetime I struggle with what is important.

The exciting thing for me about this weekend is that my grand daughter Haley has been so excited to share our home with her friends. That in itself is pretty awesome! She is awesome so I shouldn't be surprised. She is a kid that is about relationships too! I love being in her life as well as her families life. Haley and her friend Cameron are just a duo. They compliment each other in such a way that shows such maturity. They are friends for life, I can see that already. To be a grammy and have a grand daughter that is intuitive, social, loving, that enjoys spending time with me is a blessing that brings me such joy. Please don't be mistaken I love all of my family and grand children. This blog just happens to focus on Haley and her zest for life in such an exuberant way it just inspires me. There is no price tag that could be put on spending quality time with my relationship people. This weekend was NO exception.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It Takes a Village

As I reflect on the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" I have somewhat changed my views over the last few years on whether or not I agreed. Being a grandma, "grammy if you will" is what my own grand kids elected to call me upon me expressing that is what I wanted them to call me. It just seemed best suited for me personally. Oh my, it does take a village as you see little ones as darling babies grow into their own individual person. What I have observed as I think about "the village" is how valuable grandparents are in the lives of our grand kids. I have worked diligently since my 3 have been babies to be a very intricate part of their precious lives. I have always told them to call me anytime of the day or night, if you just want to talk. I will always be there for you and never, ever, go away!! Kids need to know that there are other adults in their lives besides mom and dad that will care for them unconditionally. It is important for them to feel at ease with changes that may happen in their world. School and other social situations in a kids life can put pressure on them and for some they may need another ear to listen.

What does the word "village" really mean. Check out what Webster's says. The residents of a village are compared to the people in a child's village, or their world. Many people make up a child's world. Parents, grandparents, step parents and step grandparents, teachers, coaches, church school teachers, scout leaders, the list could go on and on. Often times one or more of the names on this list are very involved in a child's life. That person or persons can help the child with life and the issues that are present on any given day. As I have observed the changes that happen as children develop, both my own kids, grand kids, and all others that have been a huge part of my life, could not have survived without the support of their "village".

Yes, in my opinion and in my small world there have been many villages of great human beings that have been there for kids of all ages.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Changing of Life Habits for a First Grader

My youngest grandchild , Sam, just started first grade. He is attending school in a district that did not offer all day kindergarten. His experience may be a little different than a child that has had the experience of being in school all day. As I ponder the life of my own children as they progressed through public education and beyond it seems like a moment ago! I remember thinking oh, first grade, we have years ahead to grow and develop into adulthood. Wow, did that time fly by me like a rocket! Now I am watching the same thing with grandchildren. Sam is a typical first grader in many ways. He loves learning new things but it takes the talent of a creative teacher to make his classroom creative and exciting to hold his attention. Not having experienced all day kindergarten he is experiencing for the first time a longer day of learning. I know that earlier bedtime is very important for these young ones to succeed in school. The proper amount of sleep does help. But how much sleep does your child really need? This is a great read on the topic of sleep and how much is needed and of course it always depends on the individual child.

With the changes that come along being a first grader also comes educational expectations with learning. So much is expected in first grade. Reading is certainly a subject that is very necessary for a young student to grasp. It is the reading skills that one possess that carries us into many other facets of our education. For without learning to read we are stifled when it comes to everything else that is also expected as a learner. It takes special first grade teachers to challenge their students in such a way to make reading a fun experience. For it is with that in place when young students begin to love reading. As parents at home reading to our young ones is still a fabulous way to spend quality time with our kids or grandchildren. If we are reading to young ones, stopping every so often and asking a question or two, is a great way to find out what the child is hearing in the story. It is a great way to have wonderful one on one time too!

I have mentioned before in my blog that "
my kids turn" is a great website for parents, grandparents, or anyone that has the opportunity to be involved in the learning of a child. Please check it out and have fun with any student. There are many games and strategies to help in all areas of learning for kids.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life is Good-so Good

What an exciting season on the yearly calendar. Fall is just my favorite time of year, what can I say! "Life is Good" really good for many reasons. Our geological region has just experienced the worst heat for as many days in a row as I can remember. Oh, fall! That means children are leaving their comfort zones and headed into another school year. For some little kindergartners' heading off to school, away from their comfortable surroundings, it is often times a little scary. For other kids there is positive energy and they are anxious and ready for their independence. We are all different in many ways and that is a very good thing. Those differences are what makes life happen and makes the world go around.

Here in the Essdack office the staff is bustling around like Christmas is around the corner. Our specialists are so very busy with in service training for districts in our area and outside the state of Kansas. I continue to be amazed at their ability to "wow" teacher audiences with their knowledge and experience. By sharing their knowledge they broaden the thinking of educators and give tools and information that helps to make learning fun and interesting for kids.

My hats go off to teachers. Their challenges are different every year they teach. Each classroom of kids has a different set of circumstances. Educators have a huge responsibility in meeting the needs of every child. We are richly blessed in Kansas to have wonderful devoted educators that keep on going each and every year to enrich the lives of their kiddos! "Life is Good" for many reasons and this time of year it is good because we have classrooms full of life-long learning.

We have parents who have released their children into classrooms with great expectations for learning and excitement for their child or children. Parents please remember "my kids turn" is available with wonderful learning tools to help your children at home. The activities are very fun and interactive. Check it out!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Summertime and the Living is Easy

I remember as a kid growing up it did seem to me that the slogan "summertime and the living is easy" really worked in my youth. The older I get the quicker time passes me by, and time will never stand still. It has been a long summer for most of us, with the temperature in the triple digits. Our move happened in May and the rest has been a blur! For all of my friends out there you all know that fall and winter are my favorite seasons of the calendar. Oh my, how fall seems like a distant dream in my head and with it comes cooler weather, beautiful leaves and the awesome color that inspires my thinking. I am so looking forward to getting the fall box out of storage and begin to adorn my home with the colors that make me happy. I am so anxious to enjoy the outdoors when I can take a walk or sit in my backyard and enjoy the cooler breeze that the change of season brings.
With the change of season also comes the start of another school year for kids, teachers and all staff associated with learning. It is such an exciting time in the Essdack office to be looking forward to another amazing year. Our educational specialists are very busy with requests from school districts to present in their field of expertise to their staff. They are amazing folks that work hours and hours in preparation to continually present the most current information. Once again, "life long learning" is happening and it is awesome to be a part of it.
Parents please remember to check out "My Kids Turn" where you will find activities that you can do at home to extend learning for your children. There are games and tips on each link that are so fun for you and your children and it really makes learning fun too!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Facebook the Never Never Word for Me

Another blog post on continuing the learning stream for the way the world is going. Not long ago my famous last words were "me, I will never do Facebook". If you think for one minute I am going to put myself out there, you are crazy. Well, I ate my famous last words and now have a Facebook page and actually enjoy looking at the daily posts. Sometimes I even feel that it is safe to make a comment. I know that once the post is out there all my Facebook friends will have access to my comment. It is fun and exciting to read what others are doing in their lives. Getting to see pictures of family, grandchildren and other events important to that individual is what makes the Facebook connection of value to me.

Facebook is also a great marketing tool for your employer, in my case it is Essdack. When using Facebook I can mention great learning opportunities going on at Essdack. Things like "My Kids Turn" "Podstock" just to name a couple of things. With having my friends on Facebook, I hope those buzz words spur curiosity for my readers on Facebook. My hope is that they wonder as to what those things really are and how it effects kids, teachers and parents of today!
The world we live in today is a very diverse connected place. We can be connected at all times if we desire. I believe that all the tools available today can be a very productive way to promote business and also connect to friends all over the world.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life Long Learning Keeps Us Young

As I think of what is happening in today's world many things come to mind for me. We live in a constant changing world with everything related to technology. Oh my, just think of even last year and where things were and then think of the present. We have twitter, facebook, texting, emailing, internet, ipods, ipads and cell phones with unimaginable uses, just to name a few. Who would ever have thought that we would go from big huge cell phones to what we have today.

I was recently in the store where I do business for my cellular phone. I had hoped that I would be ready to upgrade for a reasonable price. I found out that I have a few months before I will upgrade the phone. However, I did change my plan. Texting was something that I just knew 18 months ago that I could do without so I didn't have it on my phone. Things have changed rapidly for me, that is for sure. My kids both text me all the time and many of my friends. Instead of telling them that I don't do that on my phone. I just played along and understood that it would just add to the bill from my provider. After this month realizing just how much texting was happening for me I knew my plan must change. "Essdack" my employer has an office full of life long learners, and also this "Grammy" refuses to not learn new things. So effective July 13th my cell service will have internet, and unlimited texting capabilities. I must admit that texting is another tool to communicate electronically without to much interruption in our lives. My favorite way to have conversation with friends and family is still the most personal way and that is to converse one on one. However, to learn and grow as a person I think it is necessary to join the learning curve and hope on board. I can not even imagine where the young children of today will be twenty years from now with tools of communication.

For now I will anticipate what is just around the corner so that I keep learning! It is exciting.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Move is Over and now "My Kids Turn"

Our move is over and I am beginning to feel more settled. For the first 2 weeks I was feeling like I was in a beautiful hotel and I was the maid. We are still working on little things, well I really mean big things in some cases. Our backyard is as large as a small city park. We have many trees and with that comes trimming. Tim has trimmed and hauled brush to the city landfill once and now we are good until fall. The work left to do is pretty much that which will be on going during the summer growing season.

It feels really good to have it all behind us so that I can concentrate on enjoying our home and the other parts of my life.

In the office at Essdack, we are kicking off a busy summer. Jane Seward and Jodi Case are presenting a 2 day "Spaces and Places" where teachers of the young child are learning tips on creating interesting learning spaces. They are having fun creating colorful places for children to learn.

Michelle Flaming and Renee' Smith have been working hard this week planning for a 2 week "Increasing Mathematical Understanding" grant facilitation training. It will be fun to see the same teachers for 2 weeks in the office learning and having fun.

Jane Seward has 5 days of "Pathways to Reading" beginning next week. The calls are rolling in to sign up!

I have mentioned in a previous blog that I am so fortunate to work where learning is always happening. There are always new buzz words related to learning or education which means there might be something new coming down the pike.

A very exciting thing happening at Essdack are "you tube videos" on

"My Kids Turn" is a website really designed to help a parent with their child's learning at home. It is a great website that addresses many of the things that children struggle with in school. Here is a list of the topics to check out:

Just Desserts
Learn Grow and Bloom
Raising Digital Kids
Art Snacks
By the Numbers
Magic Spell
Great Games Better Brains

As I have had the opportunity to check out what the staff here at Essdack has done with this learning opportunity, I have certainly learned a lot of new things that I can enjoy with my grandchildren. Our staff has shared tools and tips to help children at home continue learning and also have fun doing it. We believe that learning should be fun!

Enjoy learning something new everyday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Traveling Down Memory Lane

The preparation for the move to our new home is in full swing. The garage sale is over and it was certainly prosperous for all of us involved. I met my financial rewards with what I had hoped to earn. What a wonderful, gratifying feeling to have that behind me. Preparing our move has certainly been "a trip down memory lane." As I have taken the time to look into every box it has brought with it a lot of emotions that go clear back to my childhood. That is a lot of years, folks! Some things were more easily thrown out or sold than one item in imperticualr

My Dad always enjoyed making things for me anytime of the year. It did not have to be Christmas or some other special day on the calendar. However, one year probably as far back as fifteen years he made my sister and I an outdoor two-wheeled cart. He used old lumber that he always had lying around from some other project. The cool thing about the cart was that he used old antique wheels given to him by a really good friend of his. That made it even better for him to make something for us. Every spring since that time I have always enjoyed it in my yard with flowers. The wood on the cart suffers damage every year from the weather. Tim has spent time keeping it together by replacing some of the original wood. I have given it a fresh coat of paint every spring so that it may continue to be a bright spot in our yard. Needless to say, I truly hope that the cart will stay with me or my children and their families for a very long time. I am looking forward to moving the flower cart with us to our new home, so that I and others that visit us will also enjoy a true labor of love from my precious Dad. Enjoying the out of doors was his favorite thing in the whole world. That is why keeping something made by him that can be enjoyed outdoors is so special to me.
Traveling down memory lane has been fun and also comforting. There are simply certain special things in our lives that will always connect us to someone close to our heart.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Dawn of a New Day

Here it is "the dawn of a new day". On my last post I blogged on moving from my home of 22 plus years to a newer ranch home. Our home has been on the MLS listing for 17 days and has shown all but 2 days of that time. We have had 2 potential buyers back for the second time and tonight we have the 3rd second time potential buyers coming back to take another look. In my mind I have moved on to our new home. I am thinking about how to decorate, what colors for the walls, and where I will actually store all of our things. Last weekend was the big basement purge! I and a co-worker are having a huge garage sale soon. Tim and I have moved items from the basement to the garage for lack of a better place to go. Sadly, it is very gratifying to be pitching things that at one time I couldn't even begin to part with. Old things of my adult children. I know when I decided to keep it 25 plus years ago in my mind I jut knew that my children would certainly want the valuables of their childhood. Wrong!

We really do live in a very disposable world. What once meant the world to us doesn't mean a thing months or years down the road. The majority in the present generation of young adults do not have the sentiments that some of us have on items that were made by grandma, grandpa or even the generation of "greats". My generation has a better understanding of the labor of love that went in to homemade items. Now that a move is in store for Tim and Jenny it is time to clear our lives and become free of stuff taking up space.
The "dawn of a new day" brings a chance to make memories, reminisce, cherish valuable moments no matter what we are doing. The stuff in our lives, is just stuff! What is the most meaningful are relationships of all those at home, work, and wherever else we hang out.

My new uncluttered existence is feeling really good.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Essdack Small Fry on "The Big Move"

Several weeks ago I wrote a blog on "un-nesting my home". I felt when I started the process there was a reason that I would find out later. Well, the reason is staring me right in the face. A "for sale" sign in my yard and a contract on a new home is in store and right around the corner. I have lived through one full week of a rat race of showings, an open house for realtors and an open house for the public. Now all we need is a good solid offer on our home of 20 plus years. One can only imagine the archives of stuff and junk that has been accumulated. I am a tosser, so I can't imagine what would be looking back at me if I wasn't. I feel overwhelmed ! However, Tim and I are very organized people, so organized it is amazing that we survive each other. When you raise your family and then the kids go and then have kids of there own, you start thinking it's time for a different house. We live in a 2 story colonial home and are moving to a ranch with a great basement. I am so excited to have plenty of plug-ins and an attached garage. I have stood at my back door in driving rain, blizzards and intense heat, waiting to unlock and enter.

I look around my home and I think to myself where am I going to put all this stuff and what should I not have at all. I know when it is done it will be good and I will have a great sense of accomplishment that I made it, well I should say we have made it. My list of duties has started and we have hit the ground running for this brand new venture.

Life is good.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Essdack Small Fry on "Time Change Again"

I really do desire that the time of the "world clock" would stay one way or the other. It is so messy to do the hour thing twice a year. I know it is simple "spring forward and fall back". I do get that part. You all know that change happens this weekend March 14th, don't you? It is now daylight in the mornings and is so nice to get up and get going. Sunday morning it will be dark when it is time to get up and still be light in the night. Our biological clock will spend a week or two being confused. I remember with children at home it was always difficult to get them to bed because it was not dark. However, they did eventually adjust to it until it was time to do it again.

I do admit that extra hour of light in the evenings gives us all more time to enjoy the outdoors. The change of time in the spring means new life and re- birth for all things dormant from the long winter. My favorite thing in the spring is to be outdoors in the early mornings, coffee in hand, for the sunrise. This is a time when possible, I enjoyed with my precious Dad. He so loved those early mornings in the spring. I have such fond memories of those scenes in my life.

Once again, Sunday morning at 2:00 am approximately 70 countries will alter their lives and biological clocks for the big spring change. Look at it as a great chance to enjoy the outdoors as we have all had a long cold winter.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ambassador for Asperger's

Ambassador, what does that mean to most of us? Well, one definition I found on -line is the following: an authorized representative or messenger b : an unofficial representative

As I think of the term, I think of someone that is spreading positive information about something they are passionate about. For me personally, I am an "ambassador" for my Grandson Zachary. He is 9 soon to be 10 this summer and is in the 4th grade. Four years ago he was diagnosed with Asperger's which is high functioning Autism.

Zachary is a kiddo of high intelligence and has some of the greatest gifts that you could ever want in a kid. He does however have some quirks that can be very frustrating at times. As he has gotten older many of the social things that were a problem are kinda disappearing. Life with Zachary is always fun because he is so witty. He uses big words and his ability to communicate has always been way above what his age reflects. One of the things that a child with Asperger's deals with is not understanding social cues. He is likely to say exactly what he sees and it may not be exactly appropriate. We spend a lot of time explaining a more acceptable response. The great thing about him is that he has fabulous manners. He is never remiss at being kind when things are offered to him or he is given a gift. Needless to say, the entire family has said things that we all would understand and Zachary takes it literally. Like "it's raining cats and dogs." I chuckled to myself when he wondered where the cats and dogs were.

His diet has always and still is a challenge for all of us all the time. A child with Aspergers finds 3 or 4 things they will eat for a very long time. It is often times food that is not very healthy. We have all spent countless hours trying to find the next new food for his taste buds. We are now beginning a new plan of action where food is involved. After countless hours of research and concern of his diet, as a family, Zachary is going to begin to try very small bites of new things. This will be a challenge but worth fighting for a healthier diet and better brain food.

Being an"ambassador" for a kid is so much fun for me. It comes with some frustration but the gift of happiness that he brings those that love him far out ways the hurdles. Every second that I spend with him I am richly blessed by his huge heart and his sincere love for me, his "Grammy." My heart is so full and I am richly blessed being an "ambassador" for this kiddo.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Essdacks Small Fry "Un-nesting my home"

Many of you have heard the term "I am nesting". Many women expecting babies "nest" as their delivery date nears. They organize, clean and prepare for that little one to enter their home and more importantly their lives. Well, I am "un-nesting" my home! I am not sure if "un-nesting" is actually a word in Webster's, but it works for what I am doing. Tim and I have been in our 2-story 1924 colonial home for 22 years. Needless to say a family accumulates many things in their lives together. Even though my children have been gone from this home for 15 plus years there are still things of theirs and ours that need to be removed. I began yesterday with a decluttering plan starting with the second story and plan on working down to the basement. All of this is an effort to bring peace of mind to me that everything has been cleaned out. If it is possible for Tim and I to agree on the home, at some point in the future we will move to a ranch style house, to be enjoyed as much as we have enjoyed our 2-story colonial.

I know that it is much harder for some to get rid of stuff than others. For me, I figure I have all the memories of all the stuff so I don't actually need to see it. For others it is total torture and painful to throw away or give away their stuff. I am constantly aware that everything has value to someone, especially to those I love the most. Of course, my children have moved on and are accumulating their own stuff so they don't want their old stuff. Well, at this point in time, some executive decisions will have to be made, and guess who will make those decisions. That would be me, "Mom". Someday they will thank me for my actions.

To all of you have an awesome day! Enjoy the wonderful sunshine.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Essdack Small Fry on "What Not to Wear"

How we dress does affect our co-workers. Some of you may be familiar with the cable series "What Not to Wear". The other day, actually a few weeks ago, I entered the Essdack office, not even thinking about the sweater that I wore for the first time. I love animal print things, and it doesn't really matter to me what animal. One of my co-workers and friend, Pat was in the office on this particular day. Now, I know that she is as petrified of snakes as I am mice. Yikes, I will go running so fast I could win a slow marathon if I happen to spot one. Well, she is that way too, with any snake, I mean any snake. I was clueless as to what the print was that I so proudly wore on that day. Guess what folks, it was the print of a "Python". I learned very quickly the species of the snake, when the presenter at Essdack that day, Elaine Bernstorf said "I love your Python printed sweater". I thought OMG, it is a snake pattern.

In the meantime, I left the office briefly, came back to Pat being almost physically ill over my sweater. I offered to go home and change, that I would be happy to do so. Knowing how I would feel over a mouse print that I had to look at all day. She politely said "no that's ok, just don't give me a hug". She made it through the day and I promised her that I would never where the infamous sweater when we are in the office together. That was a day for me that I learned "What Not to Wear" when my friend Pat is in the office.

To all of you have a wonderful, productive and fun day.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Life changes from Small Fry

Here it is Monday February 8th. I have been out of the office for a week playing nurse for my son Andy, 34 years of age, single with a broken hip. His accident happened ice skating at the indoor arena in Wichita on Saturday January 30th, with his son Zachary. His surgery was Sunday morning at Via Christi, St Joseph. He is now bionic, in that he has a screw, pins and a plate in his left hip. I have to admit that I have thoroughly enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the awesome time that I have had with him. He has a fabulous personality, even with the pain that he has endured the last week. We have had the opportunity to have wonderful conversation and laugh a lot. One of the greatest things about Motherhood is to have the added benefit of being a friend to adult kids. He has 6-8 weeks to go with no weight bearing on his left side. So with that news he is somewhat home bound and needing to use a walker, and State Farm his employer, has been great in allowing him to do much of his work from home. Love that technology, don't we? I have more time to spend with him until he is back on his feet. We have had great conversation about a lot of things that have made as laugh and cry. I will always cherish those moments.

In previous blogs from me I have stated that I am pursing diligently to live life, one-day-at- a time. It is beginning to feel more normal to me and I do like how it feels. Life is a journey with crazy twists and turns and allows us all a wonderful opportunity to grow as people.

To each of you have a wonderful day and stay warm.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Greeting to all at Essdack on this cold Thursday

Kevin Honeycutt is in the office today with 45 para professionals presenting his passion "Building Positive Relationships that Lead to Student Success". Renee Smith is also presenting a "Math Standards" workshop. Jodi Case and Jane Seward are off to USA to present a couple of break out sessions. Our folks are always on the run to the next stop. I am always so thankful that they arrive at their destinations, safe and sound.

The weather is supposed to change this PM with a winter storm. With that news we canceled a Smart Board training for Friday. It is always a difficult decision to make because one really never knows what "mother nature" will do. We never want anyone risking life and limb to get here. The decision was made to cancel for tomorrow so Pam called the participants this morning and I called the presenter Tuanua to cancel and reschedule for February 25th.

On a lighter note, I have mentioned in a previous blog that I am working really hard in my personal life to get out of my box. It started with something small by changing my linen day on our beds. I did survive!
I am really striving to take life one day at a time, and enjoy things about each day I am blessed with. I lost my precious "Dad" this year and Tim lost his "Dad". When you begin to lose those special loved ones in your life, I have really taken a hold of things my Dad left me. He loved life, people in it, and especially his family. I am working really hard at friendships and spending time with my family. I wake each morning think of my Dad and it jut makes me smile all over.

To all who have read this blog, have the best day possible and be safe.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Monday here at Essdack

Even though it was a short night for me with insomnia, it is good to be at the office this morning. We have Steve and Deb doing a Kansas Career meeting with 25 attendees. Jodi and Renee are here planning for their mentoring session late afternoon today. It is a good day.

My weekend in Lawrence with my daughter and grand kids was a blast. We went to a movie "Toothfairy", far fetched but a fabulous story of trust, and going for your goals. Sam and Haley loved it as did Em and I.

I am trying really hard to get out of my box. The first thing, out of the box, is switching from Friday to Tuesday for changing my bed sheets. For those life-long friends of mine this will come as a complete surprise. The Friday thing has been with me for almost 37 years. Now please understand there have been exceptions when I have been on vacation. Recently, I made the decision to do Tuesdays. It makes so much sense for my life now. I have always felt that I need to have clean sheets on the bed just in case something would happen to me when I am out of town. I know to most that is so silly, but my strong type A, warrants a lot of things that are just a real pain. Clean bedding is one of them. To my dear friend Judy B, she won't believe this decision. I know many of you are thinking "Get a Life". Believe me I have one and I love it. One should always keep trying new things to simplify everything we do. I am trying and having a great time in the process.

Keep laughing and having fun in everything you do.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oh Happy Day

Oh happy day, I am off to Lawrence this afternoon to spend a couple days with two of my grandchildren, Haley 9 and Sam 6. Of course spending quality time with my daughter, Emily too. I always have the decision to make on what route to take. I have been making the trek to Lawrence since 1993 and it is my home away from home. Any of you reading this blog that know me well know that I can create a circus environment. Being with the Wolcott family makes me seem rather calm. Being part of their life for a few days is a blast and so fun it makes my life with my beloved Tim rather boring. Don't get me wrong, boring is not a bad thing.

Grandchildren grow up faster than dandelions in the summer. We are all getting older and I am finding that living one-day-at a time is working better for me than when I was in my younger years.

The Essdack staff had our monthly meeting this morning. I am always so enlightened with the conversations that happen when our people are together. As I have mentioned in an earlier blog, it is so fun to work in a place with folks that are life-long learners.

Have a happy Thursday and take it moment by moment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beware of the Fog

For all of you KU fans, I don't mean "Beware of the Phog". Kansas has been blasted with fog for over a week. In fact, last Thursday morning on may way to the office I drove in the worst visibility from fog I have ever been in. It was so bad, and add to that we don't have the option of parking lot lights. So any employee arriving before sunrise parks and enters in the dark. As I am driving in the Mall area in my normal route I couldn't see anything. I made a right turn like I always do and was actually at the Sears door not Essdack's entrance. I paused, took a breath and pondered where to go from that point. I thought, "where are the posts and curbs" that I could possibly run into and do major damage to my car. Fortunately, I made it the short distance to the office and was very happy to be safe and sound. To all of you driving miles in this weather, my thoughts are with you. Please be safe!

I enjoyed the K-State vs Texas game last night. Today all K-State fans are enjoying Texas toast. The wildcats played a great game and Coach Frank Martin was as much fun to watch as the actual game.

Tim and I have a storage unit that houses our sports car and a few miscellaneous boxes. Tim got word this morning that it was broke into last night. There was no damage to the car but the boxes had been gone through. There were other units included in the break -in. Needless to say he is moving the car to another unit in case they plan a return visit.

May all of you have a wonderful, productive day.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Good Friday Morning

I am out of the office today and enjoying a very cold one at home. I love winter but I like snow better than bitter temperatures.
Next week in the office at ESSDACK we have a busy one. Wednesday the 13th every corner of the facility is filled with learners. It is so fun to see customers come in our doors that are life-long learners. My job is to provide them with customer service that they will remember. After all these years they still like the smell of fresh baked cookies in the afternoon.

Until next week and things get crazy, to all of you blog readers, stay warm and enjoy life one- day -at a time.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good Morning from ESSDACK'S Small Fry

Another busy day here at the office and a cold one. Our head Cook (Dr Mike) scooped what snow fell overnight off of our walk to our entrance. Thanks Mike.

Kevin Honeycutt is here today doing a "trainer of trainer " on Cyber Bullying.
We are bringing in lunch for our HOA Superintendents.
Dr Mike is here with Superintendents with an online presentation.

The coffee is on and we are off and running.

To all of you have an awesome day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

From ESSDACK'S Small Fry

This is my first day to blog so everyone should bear with me "Small Fry" at Essdack. My week started by cleaning out the fridge in our kitchen and throwing away 2 staff member's lunches. It has been good to back in the office with my friends here. At Essdack we are looking forward to a great 2010. January is becoming very busy with our meeting rooms.