Monday, March 22, 2010

Essdack Small Fry on "The Big Move"

Several weeks ago I wrote a blog on "un-nesting my home". I felt when I started the process there was a reason that I would find out later. Well, the reason is staring me right in the face. A "for sale" sign in my yard and a contract on a new home is in store and right around the corner. I have lived through one full week of a rat race of showings, an open house for realtors and an open house for the public. Now all we need is a good solid offer on our home of 20 plus years. One can only imagine the archives of stuff and junk that has been accumulated. I am a tosser, so I can't imagine what would be looking back at me if I wasn't. I feel overwhelmed ! However, Tim and I are very organized people, so organized it is amazing that we survive each other. When you raise your family and then the kids go and then have kids of there own, you start thinking it's time for a different house. We live in a 2 story colonial home and are moving to a ranch with a great basement. I am so excited to have plenty of plug-ins and an attached garage. I have stood at my back door in driving rain, blizzards and intense heat, waiting to unlock and enter.

I look around my home and I think to myself where am I going to put all this stuff and what should I not have at all. I know when it is done it will be good and I will have a great sense of accomplishment that I made it, well I should say we have made it. My list of duties has started and we have hit the ground running for this brand new venture.

Life is good.

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